Computer Programming

  • Aug- 2023 -
    3 August
    WordPress Web Developer

    WordPress Web Developer: A Comprehensive Guide

    Introduction A WordPress Web Developer plays a pivotal role in the digital world. They are the magicians behind your favourite WordPress websites, responsible for their look, functionality, and performance. They are the ones who design the distinctive digital experiences that the internet has taught us to anticipate. Let’s now go a bit further into what they do. Responsibilities of a…

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  • Jul- 2023 -
    30 July
    Unraveling the Software Development Life Cycle: A Deep Dive

    Software Development Life Cycle: A Deep Dive

    Introduction to Software Development Life Cycle What is Software Development Life Cycle? Hey there, how did that nifty app on your phone or the software you use daily come into being? Well, thanks to the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC). SDLC is a systematic process for planning, creating, testing, and deploying a software system. It’s essentially the birth-to-retirement journey of…

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  • 20 July
    Learning HTML/CSS and JavaScript: A Deep Dive

    Learning HTML/CSS and JavaScript: A Deep Dive

    Introduction What is the foundation of each website you’ve ever visited? The sacred trinity of web design is HTML/CSS and JavaScript. But why should you learn HTML/CSS and JavaScript? This is an excellent query; let’s delve in! Why learn HTML/CSS and JavaScript? In a technologically dominant society, the capacity to create and manipulate websites can be a game-changer. These three…

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  • 20 July
    Understanding Server Side Programming Languages

    Understanding Server Side Programming Languages

    Introduction to Server Side Programming Languages Have you ever wondered how websites and applications manage to perform complex operations like user authentication, data management, and dynamic content generation? The magic lies in server side programming languages. What is Server-Side Programming It requires server procedures or programs to answer client requests, such as obtaining data from a database or processing user…

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  • 19 July
    Exploring Front-End Web Development: A Deep Dive

    Understanding Front-End Web Development: A Deep Dive

    Introduction to Front-End Web Development Front-End Web Development, what’s that about? If you’ve ever marveled at a beautifully designed website, interactive elements, or even the layout that makes the site user-friendly, you’ve witnessed the art of front-end development. This discipline is about creating an interface that users interact with directly – the front of the website. But let’s delve deeper…

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  • 19 July
    Unraveling Back-End Web Development: The Secret Power

    Unraveling Back-End Web Development: The Secret Power

    Introduction to Back-End Web Development Web development, an essential element of our digital world, often mystifies many. If you’re curious about how your favorite websites function, the answer lies within the realms of back-end web development. It’s like a mysterious backstage crew in a theater play, taking care of all the behind-the-scenes magic that makes the performance seamless on the…

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  • 12 July
    Platform-Based Development: A Deep Dive

    Platform-Based Development: A Deep Dive

    Defining Platform-Based Development(P-BD) Let’s get the fundamentals out of the way first. Platform-based development is defined as. Simply put, it is a type of design that relies on a “platform” to distribute goods and services. These systems might exist on software, hardware, or any hybrid thereof. Elements of P-BD Key benefits P-BD has a multitude of advantages. It promotes effective…

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  • 11 July
    Introduction to Mobile Application Development

    Unlocking Mobile Application Development Secrets

    Mobile application development, or apps, is the beating core of mobile devices in the digital age. But have you ever given thought to the development process behind such programs? You have entered the fascinating field of creating apps for mobile devices. Evolution of Mobile Applications The Rise of Smartphones The mobile phone was a convenient instrument for making calls and…

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  • 5 July
    Decoding Electronic Commerce: A Timeline of Evolution

    Decoding Electronic Commerce: A Timeline of Evolution

    Overview of Electronic Commerce The digital tsunami affects all facets of our life, including business. The phrase “e-commerce,” which initially debuted in the late 1990s, unexpectedly sprang to prominence and has since developed to play a big part in our everyday lives. However, how did this super boom start? Let’s look at it more! The Evolution of Electronic Commerce E-Commerce’s…

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  • 4 July
    Web Development

    Web Development: Building Blocks of the Digital World

    Website development has become crucial to our everyday lives in the digital age. It has transformed how individuals conduct business and engage with one another. What is web development, though, and why is it so important? Enter the intriguing world of website development. Understanding Website Development Website or online application creation and maintenance is known as website development. It encompasses…

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