Front-End Development

  • Jul- 2023 -
    20 July
    Learning HTML/CSS and JavaScript: A Deep Dive

    Learning HTML/CSS and JavaScript: A Deep Dive

    Introduction What is the foundation of each website you’ve ever visited? The sacred trinity of web design is HTML/CSS and JavaScript. But why should you learn HTML/CSS and JavaScript? This is an excellent query; let’s delve in! Why learn HTML/CSS and JavaScript? In a technologically dominant society, the capacity to create and manipulate websites can be a game-changer. These three…

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  • 19 July
    Exploring Front-End Web Development: A Deep Dive

    Understanding Front-End Web Development: A Deep Dive

    Introduction to Front-End Web Development Front-End Web Development, what’s that about? If you’ve ever marveled at a beautifully designed website, interactive elements, or even the layout that makes the site user-friendly, you’ve witnessed the art of front-end development. This discipline is about creating an interface that users interact with directly – the front of the website. But let’s delve deeper…

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