Web Development

  • Sep- 2023 -
    23 September
    Ecommerce Website Development

    Ecommerce Website Development | The Future of Shopping

    Introduction Have you ever surfed the web and stumbled upon a product you just had to have? That’s the power of ecommerce in action! What is ecommerce? Simply put, it’s the buying and selling of goods and services online. And why is ecommerce website development so crucial today? With the surge in online shopping, having a robust and efficient ecommerce…

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  • 6 September
    Python Web Development

    Python Web Development: The Modern Era’s Choice

    Introduction Have you ever wondered how the World Wide Web operates? Or how websites you frequent are built? The answer often lies in a single term: web development. And among the languages powering this vast digital universe, Python stands out as a titan. Let’s dive into the world of Python web development! Why Choose Python for Web Development? Python, the…

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  • Aug- 2023 -
    28 August
    Backend Frameworks

    Backend Frameworks: A Comprehensive Guide

    Have you ever wondered how websites and applications handle data, manage user requests, or authenticate users? Backend frameworks, specifically, hold the key to the solution. Dive into this guide to learn everything you need to know! What is a Backend Framework? At its core, a back end framework provides an infrastructure to build and manage the backend of a web…

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  • 28 August
    API Development Tools

    API Development Tools: A Comprehensive Guide

    Have you ever thought about how your favorite apps communicate with each other? That’s all thanks to APIs. But, ever wonder how those APIs are crafted and perfected? Enter API development tools. Introduction to API Development The unsung heroes of the digital era are APIs, or application programming interfaces. They are the bridges allowing distinct software applications to talk to…

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  • 3 August
    WordPress Web Developer

    WordPress Web Developer: A Comprehensive Guide

    Introduction A WordPress Web Developer plays a pivotal role in the digital world. They are the magicians behind your favourite WordPress websites, responsible for their look, functionality, and performance. They are the ones who design the distinctive digital experiences that the internet has taught us to anticipate. Let’s now go a bit further into what they do. Responsibilities of a…

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  • Jul- 2023 -
    20 July
    Learning HTML/CSS and JavaScript: A Deep Dive

    Learning HTML/CSS and JavaScript: A Deep Dive

    Introduction What is the foundation of each website you’ve ever visited? The sacred trinity of web design is HTML/CSS and JavaScript. But why should you learn HTML/CSS and JavaScript? This is an excellent query; let’s delve in! Why learn HTML/CSS and JavaScript? In a technologically dominant society, the capacity to create and manipulate websites can be a game-changer. These three…

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  • 20 July
    Understanding Server Side Programming Languages

    Understanding Server Side Programming Languages

    Introduction to Server Side Programming Languages Have you ever wondered how websites and applications manage to perform complex operations like user authentication, data management, and dynamic content generation? The magic lies in server side programming languages. What is Server-Side Programming It requires server procedures or programs to answer client requests, such as obtaining data from a database or processing user…

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  • 19 July
    Exploring Front-End Web Development: A Deep Dive

    Understanding Front-End Web Development: A Deep Dive

    Introduction to Front-End Web Development Front-End Web Development, what’s that about? If you’ve ever marveled at a beautifully designed website, interactive elements, or even the layout that makes the site user-friendly, you’ve witnessed the art of front-end development. This discipline is about creating an interface that users interact with directly – the front of the website. But let’s delve deeper…

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  • 19 July
    Unraveling Back-End Web Development: The Secret Power

    Unraveling Back-End Web Development: The Secret Power

    Introduction to Back-End Web Development Web development, an essential element of our digital world, often mystifies many. If you’re curious about how your favorite websites function, the answer lies within the realms of back-end web development. It’s like a mysterious backstage crew in a theater play, taking care of all the behind-the-scenes magic that makes the performance seamless on the…

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  • 5 July
    Decoding Electronic Commerce: A Timeline of Evolution

    Decoding Electronic Commerce: A Timeline of Evolution

    Overview of Electronic Commerce The digital tsunami affects all facets of our life, including business. The phrase “e-commerce,” which initially debuted in the late 1990s, unexpectedly sprang to prominence and has since developed to play a big part in our everyday lives. However, how did this super boom start? Let’s look at it more! The Evolution of Electronic Commerce E-Commerce’s…

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